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Wall of Prayer

Wall of Prayer


Wall of Prayer   Spray Paint & Arylic on Canvas   2015   40*40"       $7,000


This unique take on the Kotel focusses on personal prayers to the Almighty. The Kotel - the Wailing Wall – is a special destination for those who suffer, who want to reach out to God while standing in the holiest place. Touching and leaning against this wall of prayer.


Stuffed within its cracks and crevices are thousands of handwritten notes to God. Individuals asking for health, for peace, to find a spouse, or to thank Gad for what they have.


In this painting, those prayers are manifest. They replace the mortar between the stones and are peppered within the stones, which have absorbed the prayers of all those who stood before it.


The blessings:


תיתן לנו חיים ארוכים;פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי רצון;שמע קולנו ה' אלוקינו , חוס ורחם עלינו וקבל ברחמים וברצון את תפילתנו;ה' ה' קל רחום וחנון;עזרי מעם ה' ;שמע ישראל ה' אלוקינו ה' אחד;זכרנו לחיים מלך חפץ בחיים;ממעקים קראתי ה';שמע ישראל ה אלוקינו ה אחד;ברך עלינו ה' אלוקינו;ברך את מדינת ישראל ראשית צמיחת גאלתנו;לך ה' הגדולה והגבורה;סלח לנו מחל לנו;רחם בחסדך; אבינו מלקנו כתבנו בספר פרנסה וכללה טובה; תן טל ומטר לברכה על פני האדמה


The Lord our Father, please bless us with a livelihood; Bless the land with dew and rain; Be merciful and bless us with your kindness; May God heal us; Bless us with a long life; Open your hands to satisfy all ;Hear our voices O’Lord and receive our prayer with mercy ;The Lord who is merciful; Help me O’Lord; Hear O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is One; God bless us; May God bless the State of Israel; The Lord is great and mighty ;Forgive us and pardon us; Have mercy on us


Kotel Series:


Can stone be alive? It cannot breathe, it is solid, heavy and does not change.  Yet, the Kotel -  uniquely textured blocks of golden hue -   has stood proudly through the centuries. Every prayer, every story, every emotion that has ever existed has been absorbed by this silent witnesses.  Is the Kotel not a living witness of our nation’s history?


The Western Wall, The Wailing Wall, the Kotel, are all names for the one remaining wall of the Temple Mount. People flock to it to pray, to celebrate, to mourn; To find or strengthen a spiritual connection with God. Through good times and bad, this one wall of strength has been the silent backbone for Jews throughout the centuries.


God has kept this wall alive, connecting Jews to their heritage and home.  Inspired by this -  the Kotel, standing proudly and silently -  appears often throughout the paintings of Jordana Klein.

  • Prices

    Fine Art Canvas Prints*   


    S       16 x 24   inch            $150

    M       25 x 30  inch             $250

    L        30 x 40 inch              $325


    *All print sizes are approximated and depend on the exact proportions of the picture   


    FREE SHIPPING with $300 Purchase


    Contact us for additional sizes and Custom Orders

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